Hello everyone!
It feels like absolutley ages since I have done a 'whats in my bag' post - and I have seen a lot of them around  recently which has made me want to write one! Also, I got a new bag recently and I wanted to share it with you.

So my bag is black and from Dorothy Perkins. I always get a black bag because I just find that it's so much less effort to try and coordinate it with my outfit. What drew me to this bag is that it is such a decent size and has two strap options, which is SO important for me - ( i can never decide how I want to hold it haha).

The first thing that I can't leave the house without is my water bottle. This is from home bargains and is a really good size. I love the design of it and it also has a section which can hold fruit in it - plus a lemon squeezer at the top. I always have to have this in my bag as I get so thirsty and am constantly drinking water.

My hand cream of choice at the moment is this one from elemis - it's so luxurious and smells lovely. I think it's so important to have a hand cream in my bag, especially at this time of year when it's FREEZING as my hands just dry up so much.

To keep myself as organised as possible, my diary always sits in my bag. This one is literally from poundland, but I absolutely love it. The best thing about it is that it's an academic year diary, so it runs from august to july. This is the most helpful for me as I'm still at university. I use it to write assignment deadlines, blog post schedules, my work rotas, and basically is I lost it I would be screwed!

Of course - I also have my iphone - not much to say about this apart from the fact it's joined to my hand most of the time..ooops

I've just finised my January exams, so I still have some notes and pens in here. These revision cards are from wilkos and they are so cute - I just find that pretty revision makes it so much more interesting! These fineliners are also a must have for notes and revision.

I like to keep a pack of tissues and a little bottle of perfume in my bag. At the moment I have this little bottle of Calvin Klein's 'obsession'. I love this one as it's what my mum always wore when i was little and it just reminds me of being a kid. It's a pretty deep and wintery shade so perfect for this time of year.

Deodorant for any sweaty emergencies!

And finally my purse and house keys.

Thank you so much for reading this post. Please link me to any similar posts you have written in the comments!

Love, Yasmin xxx

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  1. Your bag is gorgeous and I love the designs on your bottle and diary, so pretty! X

    Kate// itskaterose.blogspot.com

  2. This a beautiful bag. I just wrote a post on handbag trends for S/S 2017. I truly like your idea if you have limited budget go black,that bag will be a classic piece for years!
    http://Jandrew speaks.com

  3. The hand cream looks gorgeous. Love the bag too x

  4. Absolutely love your bag! I agree, a black bag is always my go-to and is so much more practical. Your photos are gorgeous by the way!



  5. Hey! Happy Friday! Just to let you know I’ve nominated you to take part in the Mystery Blogger Award! The questions and information are over on my post: http://lydia-eve.blogspot.co.uk/2017/02/today-i-thought-id-do-something-bit.html
