Hello everyone!

I know that you are probably so bored of reading goals and aims blog posts, however I really wanted to get them down and have them documented on my blog so that I can look back next year and see how well I have done.

I think it's so important to set goals and have something to work towards. I don't like the word 'resolution' because everyone seems to not be able to fulfill them as there's so much pressure. I think that instead of saying I'm going to change this, this and this, I think it's better to decide what you want to achieve and take positive steps to achieving it.

Any way, lets get on with the post!


In 2016, I have progressed so far with my blog. I have achieved so much that I never thought I would (setting up my own domain name, reviewing products, getting a social media following) and it's difficult to know what the next steps are. Of course, as I'm sure many fellow bloggers would agree with me, I would love to do some sort of paid work for my blog, however, I feel like this is not something I am going to force. It's definitely not the reason that I started my blog in the first place, and whilst it would be a massive privildge I feel that it's not a goal that I am going to set. Instead I think that I would like to work on improving my engagement and getting the hang of google analytics, learning about my readers and making sure I'm making great content for them. 

I also want to up load a lot more regularly - at the moment I post at least once a week and on a good week, it's twice, however I really want to start a schedule and stick to it - so I want to start uploading every Sunday, Wednesday and Friday at 7:30pm. This is a huge goal but I really want to create more content and get you guys excited about new posts!

I think that I am also going to try and do a month of daily blogging at some point over the next year and Scarily I am going to give the YouTube thing a shot (AAAAAHH)


So this year I have already secured work placements with New! Magazine, Fabulous magazine and Cosmopolitan magazine, which I am super excited about and want to do really well at those! 

Now that I know I want to be a fashion journalist after I graduate, I am toying with the idea of doing a masters degree in magazine journalism to make sure that I am fully prepared and an expert. So another goal this year is to go to some open days for masters degrees. 

I also want to continue doing well and putting my all into my university degree and come out of 2nd year with a 2:1.


This is probably the most difficult bit to decide on right now as I'm actually really happy with everything. which I am so thankful for.  I think this year I really need to focus on taking care of myself. Now don't get me wrong, I don't abuse my body or anything, but sometimes I don't think that I give it enough attention. I've really gotten into exercise over the past year so I definitely want to continue that. I also started to take meat of of my diet over the last few months of the year. I definitely want to continue and properly go vegetarian in 2017. I also want to do one month of veganism and see how it goes. 

Along with this, I want to drink more water and look after my skin - after all we have it for the rest of our lives!

So there we have it. I hope that you enjoyed this post and that maybe it has inspired you to think about your goals. Let me know what you hope to achieve this year and link me to any similar blog posts you have written in the comments!

Speak to you on Friday! 

Yasmin xxx


  1. Youtube isn't as bad as your mind may make it out to be- me as I speak from experience hahaha-once you get through that first video it'll be a huge relief and you'll have a lot of fun with making more videos :)


    1. Yeah yeah, hopefully I can do okay at it - it's more that I need time to do it! Thank you for reading lovely xx

  2. Sounds like you're all set for the new year! Good luck with posting daily and YouTube when you get there!

  3. Well done on securing those work placements, thats amazing. I hope it goes really well for you. Sounds like your well planned for 2017 hope its a good one for you xx
    Danielle Miss Sunshine & Sparkle

    1. Ah thank you, I'm so chuffed! Hope 2017 is good for you too xxx

  4. Loved this post and I hope you achieve all your goals this year 💙 Have an amazing 2017 and I can't wait to see more posts 💗
    A x |

  5. Happy New Year! Love this post, and I hope you achieve all of them! Congratulations on the work placements too! x

    1. Thank you so much lovely, I hope that yours is amazing too xx

  6. Lovely post :) I hope 2017 is a good year for you. Good luck with your work placements, they sound amazing!

    Hannah |

  7. Good luck with your goals! I'll be joining you in the regular content goal I'm just so sporadic with posting

  8. First off, congrats on your work experience placement! Would defo want to hear more about that as I'm currently going into sixth form and hearing about other peoples career goals would be motivating and second of all, you look great! But I get the whole personal thing, I would love to start exercising later on this year but more based on tackling stress and other various things.
    Great post 😘
