Hello guys!

The other day I did a major thing - I uploaded a YouTube video. Okay, okay, I know that's not a massive thing for some, but I was super nervous.

Basically at uni I am completing an assignment of a blog all around a social issue of my choice - as long as it links to web and mobile communications. I decided to go with the topic of body image and how the internet is affecting this. 

I wrote about it in more detail here, in my 'We need to talk about body image' blog post.

But for one particular blog post, they wanted us to create a video. I've honestly been thinking about doing YouTube for a while now, and it just looks super fun and would obviously be an awesome asset to go alongside my blog. However, I have just been super nervous and too daunted to ever sit down with a camera and do it. I know this is really bad but I am also really scared about what my friends and family will think of it. But at least with this assignment it has allowed me to test the waters and see how I get on. 

I actually really enjoyed setting up a background for my video, finding the perfect lighting and then actually filming it. I also really surprised myself with how 'well' I managed to do with editing using Adobe Premier. I know it's not amazing, but it's a lot better than a techno phobe like me thought that I could do! 

One thing that I would like to improve on is my confidence in front of the camera, I was so nervous and kept forgetting what I was saying (there's a lot of stuttering that I had to cut out). I'm not sure whether I'm properly going to venture into the world of YouTube just yet, but this has definitely made me want to experiement with filming and editing more until I have the confidence to do regular uploads. After all it is one of my 2017 goals and aims!

Any way, here is the video below.

I would love to hear your tips about YouTube, and what you think about the topic I am discussing in the video - and obviously if you could like the video and subcsribe to my channel that would be amazing!

Thanks for reading,
Love, Yasmin xxx


  1. The video is great! I'm doing the same thing - how fun is it?!

  2. Great post, look forward to watch the video now. Have a great day!

    Gemma x

  3. This is a big step! You should be proud! I have been thinking of doing videos for a while now but it makes so nervous!! haha love the video:D

    1. Yeah It still makes me nervous too! Hopefully I'll be able to carry on doing them! thank you!

  4. Great video! It is a big step, you should feel proud!

    Vanessa x |

  5. So awesome, congrats on creating your youtube video!

  6. Hey there lady, you did GREAT! Keep up the good work! :)

    Le Stylo Rouge

  7. Congratulations on creating a channel!!! xxx

  8. Great video! I think making Youtube videos is a great way to build confidence - you're totally putting yourself out there. I have always been self conscious about my voice (I was born with a cleft palette) but I've found recording myself to be SO helpful!


  9. Congrats. I've made over 100 YT videos and it doesn't get any easier. haha! Practice makes perfect and you get nowhere for not trying so keep going! :-)

