Hello everyone!
I hope that you are having a good day so far. So, this year, I decided that I was going to start cooking more and making things from scratch rather than relying on shop bought sauces and meals. Yesterday, I had a butternut squash I needed to use up , so I decided that I would put it to good use and create a curry. This dish is so quick, simple and cheap - perfect for the students out there! It's also 100 percent vegetarian and I believe it is also vegan (the only questionable thing is the curry paste - I read the ingredients, and it appears to not have any dairy products, however the jar did not specify that it was suitable for vegans).

The total time this dish takes is 30 minutes and serves one person (obviously just add more ingredients for more people) - read on if you want to find out how to make this delicious dish!


♥ 300g butter nut squash, peeled and chopped roughly into chunks
♥ Half a can of coconut milk
♥ 1 Table spoon of Thai red curry paste (or any curry paste of your choice)
♥ 100 ml water
♥ Half a red pepper chopped into small chunks
♥ 3-4 large handfuls of spinach
♥ However much brown rice you desire


Step 1: 

Put the brown rice in a saucepan and boil. Heat the Thai Red curry paste in a saucepan on a low heat for one minute

Step 2:

Add the peppers and the butternut squash and cook them for around 5 minutes until softened

Step 3:

Add the coconut milk and the water, then leave to simmer for 10 -15 minutes on a medium heat, making sure to stir every now and then

Step 4:

After 10-15 minutes when the sauce looks like it's starting to thicken, add the spinach, bearing in mind that it wilts, so you can add quite a lot of this.

And here is the finished product!

When the sauce is at your desired thickness, serve with the rice and enjoy!
Thank you so much for reading - let me know if you are going to be trying this recipe!
Love, Yasmin xxx


  1. Looks absolutely delish! Will definitely be giving this one a go X

  2. I am a huge soup person in the winter and this looks delicious!!

