Hello Everyone!

I don't know what it is about September, but I always feel like it's a time for me to get my arse into gear and start doing all of the things that I've been meaning to do or just generally start afresh with certain parts of my life. This is probably because no matter how hard I try, I can't stop living by the academic calendar! 

I am a firm believer that in order to move forward, you can't just blindly go ahead and expect to make progress without first stopping to take a look around at where you are right now and reflect on how things are going at the moment. What are you proud of? What could go better? How did certain events that happened make you feel? These are some of the questions I like to ask myself, and then I can see... how am I going to improve to get what I want?

So for today's post, I thought that I would write a reflective post about all the things that I am proud to have completed so far in 2018 and reflect on how I will use those to spur me on in the future.

Graduating University

So, technically, my graduation isn't actually until November, but I have found out that I am definitely graduating with an Upper Second Class Honours (2:1) in Communication and Media from Bournemouth University. AND I AM SO DAMN PROUD. 

The last year of university was definitely very intense, with a 10,000 word dissertation, some of the most challenging assignments I've had and many an evening sat on the phone to my mum saying 'I can't do this!'. However, I kept ploughing through, I got my butt to the library most days of the week and chipped away until it was all done. I asked my lecturers for advice and took it on board to make sure my work was the best standard it could be. I faced my fears head on and organised interviews and focus groups for my dissertation and different assignments. I came out the other end with the final grade that I both wanted and deserved... go me!

Getting a new job

One of the biggest struggles for many new graduates is what to do next, however, I am pleased to say that about 3 weeks before I was due to finish university, I managed to secure a job as a digital marketing assistant. I feel delighted that I was able to land this position and I feel that it reflects how all of the internships and work placements and extra little projects I completed throughout my time at university to boost my CV really paid off! I'm really enjoying the new challenges that this job is bringing and I feel like I am really gaining some excellent experience that will help me in my future career (as well as finally earning some money)

Giving Blood

I am super squeamish, but ever since we had an assembly in around year 12 talking to us about how important it is to donate blood and how many people it can help, I knew that I wanted to do it. That was at least 4 years ago, and I kept putting this off because I was scared, but this year, I bit the bullet and donated blood for the first time... and it wasn't nearly as scary as I thought it would be! It's a good feeling knowing that it was worth it when I received the text to let me know that my blood had been used, and I'm very proud to have done it once more since then too!

Becoming Vegetarian

After dabbling about for about a year and a half, significantly cutting down my meat intake, but not taking it as seriously as I could, over the Easter Holidays this year I decided that I would no longer eat meat at all. And wow is it the best decision I have made in a long time! I honestly don't miss meat at all and have now gotten so used to the idea that I don't eat meat that it's basically become second nature. Let me know in the comments if you would like me to write a blog post about how I transitioned.

Other things

  • Completing the 10K Race for life with my sister
  • Starting to save to go travelling
  • Getting into spin class and continuously going regularly
  • Making the most of every opportunity and enjoying myself
  • Becoming more comfortable in my personality and allowing myself to like myself without worrying if others do first.

So, there we have it, some of the things that I am proud to have achieved this year. What have you done that you're proud of this year? Is there anything the same as this list? Or has it inspired you in any way? Let me know in the comments section below! Thank you so much for reading, as always.

Love, Yasmin  xxx

1 comment :

  1. Yay for joining us veggies! Congrats on graduating that's amazing :)

