Hello everyone!

Anyone who has been an active reader of my blog at any point may have noticed that the amount I post on here has decreased dramatically. I literally always used to post every week with new photos and new ideas and would prioritise my blog over so many things. The biggest reason for me not being so into it has definitely got to be uni... I'm in my third year now and that obviously has to be my priority, but I have always found my blog to be a great past time and form of escapism, so I really would like to find a way to get back into it.

My blog still is my baby... I look at how many posts I've done and how far it has come since I started it and I am so proud. However, I feel as though I have reached a Plato.

I think part of the reason is that I am becoming a different person to who I was when I started this blog. I used to write about makeup and fashion all the time, but now I don't really find myself that excited to write about it. It's odd because it's still something that plays a big part in my life, but I think there are other things that I have grown to care about more.

Examples: Mental Health, Body Image, Healthy living, sustainability, feminism, books and travel.

It's not like I have consciously not been writing about these topics... although I understand that they are a bit more serious and include more niche audiences. However, they are, at the moment, what I am passionate about, and I think writing about these topics will help me to love my blog again.

So over the next few weeks, there's going to be some changes to Yasmina Nicole... but I hope that you will enjoy them! And I probably will still talk about some of the beauty and fashion stuff, but there will be more variety!

Thank you so much for reading and I hope that you will leave me a comment and let me know what you think!
Love, Yasmin xxx

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1 comment :

  1. Yay! I cant wait for your new direction (: There is nothing wrong with alittle bit of change. I truly hope your love for blogging comes back <3

    Nikki O.
